Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Commonwealth.. Common ah?

Hmm.. what doth the Commonwealth mean? From this complex word, I think it should be saying that the wealth is common in all these countries. However, it seems to be the contrary. Why is it that the Pound Sterling has the highest value and the majority of the Commonwealth have very low values for their currencies? Of course don't compare with the US cos they are not in the picture. Isn't it so that Britain should spread out its wealth so the it is Common Wealth for all? It looks like all the wealth is stashed in Britain itself. Hmm.. Just a thought though..

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Doctors out of job?

Hmm.. this is just a hypothesis. If everyone wants to be a doctor, whatever the reasons, won't there be too many doctors around? Being a doctor needs that person to be cut for the job. Not just for the fancy of it. Of course, the income when they are specialists are VERY high. That is the perk of a doctor.

Ok, fine. I too want that. Ok, way that all the medical students are brilliant and are all fit to the job, we'll be churning out about say 300-400 docs a year, here in Malaysia. Ministry says that we lose 365 docs a year to private sector. So why so few hospitals and so many clinics? Hmm... the rural areas still have problems getting to clinics. Why not build some hospitals there? Make the area less challenging by having appropriate infrastucture. This will boost the morale of those working there. So many clinics are foiund in the city. Some places, there are 3-4 clinics in the same row of shophouses! Soon, all the lots would be taken up by doctors. The country would become a medical hub with no space for food shops, entertainment.. Pay by hospitals would drop. Less competent docs lose patients to more established docs. New docs how la like that? Hmm.. Work overseas? Our degrees not recognised... Hmmmmmm.....