Thursday, June 30, 2005

Come over to the shady side..cough..cough..

For a while I thought I would grow out of the Jedi community. However, after seeing the transformation of Anakin to the Vader, I somehow started taking up an imaginary saber and started twirling around, slashing the many Imperial troops around me and hearing the nice hum of the blade. Then I see cool Vader talking to me and the rough sounds of his breathing entices me over to the darker side...the prenumbra of the cabinet near me...

Calling all engineers and physicists,
I want that saber! Is it possible to make one? We have invented 3D holograms for telcos already. The saber blade should be an easy feat for laser enthusiasts. Control the intensity so that it is not harmful to the eyes and the length of the blade should be able to be controlled too. Of course, don't develop blades of light that actually scorches and dismember people...

I went hunting for merchandise of the SW and found some relatively cool sabers. Their hum follow your movement and the fluorescent tubed blade glows like the "real" thing. Unfortunately, the blade can't retract! Blow... Shrugging the issue off, I saw another one and this one can retract. But when extended, it looked like an umbrella with its plastic cover on! Sigh..

Sabers aside.
It's actually not the movie that brought me back to my Yodaian days. It was actually the closing track of the soundtrack that revived that nostalgic feeling. The call of the Rebels is unforgettable. I want to thank J. Williams for the many themes and music that had brought a whole new lifestyle to the world. Of course, cheers to Lucas! He has set our minds to percieve how the future would look like. Which party would you choose then?I would definitely jump into Vaders suit. Start a belief like a Sith. Draw people with the mind. And like a toon said,"Son, come over to the shady side...". (Vader's sound): breath, breath...

Friday, June 24, 2005


Haha! We've finally dissected a rat! The rodent smells like chicken but much more stronger smelling. Frustrating it is when the bloody rat bloody bled at the slightest bleeding smallest cut. Scientist say that they are the closest resemblance to our anatomy but in our case, we were looking at the most alien GI tract ever. Over numbered liver lobes, a grey pancreas (supposed to be yellowish?), greenish guts, an odd looking bladder and a bubble on the stomach (rat with stomach cancer?). Too bad I didn't have a camera with me. Would love to post the pic for a post mortem.

However hard it is, I loved my rat. It gave me a complete anatomy, and had clear view of almost everything as I prodded the innards. Muahahahaha, hi there U6S3! I can't wait for next week to empty the thorax of its pinkish contents =) But darned, my hands tremble a bit... maybe its the rat playing mind games on me...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Report Card Day in 3 days!

Argh!! Help! SOS!
I need therapy! Why do sixth formers need to have a hari terbuka? We got slaughtered for the last exams and now this? Is this a conspiracy to stuff our morale down the bowl? This is definitely not good as we are going to hear screams, groans, complaints, and perhaps some profanities on friday when the truth is revealed. The red marks on the records will be transferred to our skin in no time (you know what that means!). Why, why, WHY!!!

To make make matters worse, now there's some rumours about STPM students having to join uniformed bodies to gain entry into the unis! This is impossible! The era of marching and pumping are supposed to be long gone and forgotten. We are supposed to study till we bleed and now they are threatening to take us down just because some bright soul had his suggestion taken into consideration. Why not let us put them into our shoes and let them feel the many many kPa-s pounding our head every night when we struggle to stuff infinite amounts of info into our brains? Where is the love ya'll?

Monday, June 20, 2005

Wisdoms makes you wiser?

Ouch! Rant...rave....

My entire left lower jaw itches! As my wisdom tooth emerges from the subterranean environment in my gum, it manifests its revenge by causing pain, swelling and itch. Why is it called the wisdom tooth? It tells the age? Man, I don't to be reminded that my pre-adulthood days are over so soon. Does it indicate that a new level of wisdom has been installed from above? I still can't figure out what decomposes decomposers. I still have three more calcium impregnated structures inside my jaws laughing and just waiting to burst out...

Friday, June 17, 2005


Ah, just found a seemingly promising method for getting rid of the spectacles! Dr. Bates claims that we can retrain the eyes so that the cillary muscles can contract and relax again. Many people claim that his methods have worked for them! I wouldn't mind trying it out hehehe if it can make me into my leng chai state again...

Acmabooks is selling the book at RM50. Not bad for a near cure to myopia. Should I invest?