Thursday, June 30, 2005

Come over to the shady side..cough..cough..

For a while I thought I would grow out of the Jedi community. However, after seeing the transformation of Anakin to the Vader, I somehow started taking up an imaginary saber and started twirling around, slashing the many Imperial troops around me and hearing the nice hum of the blade. Then I see cool Vader talking to me and the rough sounds of his breathing entices me over to the darker side...the prenumbra of the cabinet near me...

Calling all engineers and physicists,
I want that saber! Is it possible to make one? We have invented 3D holograms for telcos already. The saber blade should be an easy feat for laser enthusiasts. Control the intensity so that it is not harmful to the eyes and the length of the blade should be able to be controlled too. Of course, don't develop blades of light that actually scorches and dismember people...

I went hunting for merchandise of the SW and found some relatively cool sabers. Their hum follow your movement and the fluorescent tubed blade glows like the "real" thing. Unfortunately, the blade can't retract! Blow... Shrugging the issue off, I saw another one and this one can retract. But when extended, it looked like an umbrella with its plastic cover on! Sigh..

Sabers aside.
It's actually not the movie that brought me back to my Yodaian days. It was actually the closing track of the soundtrack that revived that nostalgic feeling. The call of the Rebels is unforgettable. I want to thank J. Williams for the many themes and music that had brought a whole new lifestyle to the world. Of course, cheers to Lucas! He has set our minds to percieve how the future would look like. Which party would you choose then?I would definitely jump into Vaders suit. Start a belief like a Sith. Draw people with the mind. And like a toon said,"Son, come over to the shady side...". (Vader's sound): breath, breath...


Chewxy said...

I can buy you a saber.
You just gotta pay me RM 600

ayjk said...

600...what a rip off! Tell you a flourescent tube, wrap it with coloured paper. Taa daa! You have a very cool homemade light sabre which will cost you next to nothing.

Jien said...

chewxy, what's yours made of? :D