Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Perfect Timing

Leaving for a land halfway round the globe in a week and I'm having a cold. Things couldn't be more perfect. Darn all rhinoviruses. Darn them all.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Some Leaders are a Let-Down

A leader is someone who can set an example for many people and make decisions that could change and ultimately improve a situation. They are mature people who can process much information and have essential diplomatic skills. However, two political figures have failed to show these expected qualities. They have acted impulsively and shown shockingly shallow thinking before making decisions and statements. One of them did the unthinkable; he approved flag burning in public. The other has led demonstrations that led to scuffles and made provoking remarks that walked the thin line between stability and unrest of the peoples of this country.

Is this the sort of behavior we expect from leaders? These two so-called leaders have been chosen on good faith that young blood can inject fresh breath into the political arena and subsequently in the leadership of the country. Since these incidents, the people are shaken that these leaders have resorted to childish decisions and even more disappointing, there are supporters for these actions. We are in the 21st century. If we are a neutral country with the vision of changing the world’s views for achieving peace, we should be showing the world that peace can first be brought about by mature politics and behavior. Leaders should not be engaging in petty fights and getting involved in scandals. Instead, they should be using their position to access the right channels to help those in need, domestically or internationally. They should be drafting ideas constantly to improve conditions in all aspects. They should realize that support is garnered when people see positive results of their leadership regardless of ideology. Undoubtedly, statements to the media are important as people want to know the happenings of the country, but statements should be made with utmost caution. They have to think hard before saying anything as their word have influence on many things such as the economy, political stability, and even the education system.

I believe that the recent events have scared many prospective investors to Malaysia and this is the main cause that has affected the foreign exchange rate. I also believe that if our leaders can change their attitudes, we can see the country strengthening like we have never seen before.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Health Is Bought With Money?

Medicines are getting incredulously highly priced. The rising costs of materials, transportation and foreign exchange rates are to be blamed. What can we do about it?

In Malaysia, our main problem is the foreign exchange rate. Even though the peg was removed, our currency did not appreciate that much. In order to bring down the impact of this problem, we should offer tenders and build the necessary infrastructure to manufacture imported drugs in our country. We have to make the offers look lucrative for the pharmaceutical giants so that they would willingly choose Malaysia as a manufacturing base. As a result, we could get better prices for the drugs as goodwill, the costs of transportation will plummet and the costs of imports could be almost completely waived. It would be even better if we could devise a deal so that we could import the technology and expertise of these companies to locally manufacture the drugs on our own. We have managed to get Intel to build chip manufacturing plants here, so we should have the confidence to approach pharmaceutical companies.

Synthetic drugs are now a luxury. It is becoming an ugly scenario where health is actually bought by money. Since Malaysia has an abundance of herbs and marine resources, we have to speed up our research on these organisms for their medicinal value. We have to start manufacturing traditional based medicine in bulk to supplement the shortage of high end drugs. I’m not saying that we should shun modern medicine but there is undoubtedly an enormous power of traditional medicine that has yet to be unleashed. If we could make this work, not only can we save on drugs, we might actually be able to earn more money from selling our own patented medicines.

Good health should be everybody’s right. Drug companies as well as their distributors and retailers should also be more considerate and honest with pricing. If doctors have to follow a code of ethics to provide health care to all, pharmaceuticals too have a responsibility as they work side by side with medical personnel.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bombers, the Bullies from Junior High, not Soldiers

Terrorist bombers are the world’s worst cowards. They are too scared to fight for their right using intellectual means as they have no ability to argue, only physical ways. They try to frighten others using fear. They are no different than school bullies, just that now they have the knowledge to build their weapons.

Why should innocent people die when they have nothing to do with national policies? More over, are policies worth killing for? If they have the guts to kill, why aren’t they brave enough to take on the national army? Pick on someone your size, not harm unarmed civilians. It’s just ironic how some people have the heart to support these so-called fighters. If they call themselves soldiers for their cause, they are certainly not showing so. Every soldier has to follow a universal rule of engagement: to only shoot at armed enemies. These people do not.

Bullies in school pick on weak students and beat up unarmed people with all sorts of weapons. We even hear of some gangs in schools fight with parangs. Why can’t we follow the footsteps of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Ghandi, and other freedom fighters? They definitely had gotten what they wanted without blowing up something or someone but instead managed to use their God given brains to shake powerful people. These are the true heroes who should be emulated for fighting for their cause. We can’t blame US for reacting the way it is doing now because these terrorists had murdered thousands of its people, although the execution of the offensives could have been better and safer. We always condemn the US for the wars, but if it were to happen to our people, I don’t think we would stay quiet either. We would have to fight back and defend ourselves.

We need to rise up against these terrorists. Think before supporting any ideology. Does it benefit mankind or for that group of people only? We need not be scared to stand up to them because I’m sure that they are outnumbered by the rest of the five and a half billion people in the world who would dare to stand up to their atrocities. We have to crush these who are the real enemies of the world.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

CSI: Malaysia – DNA database

I reckon everyone loves watching the CSI franchise. We love the cool factor of the technology, visual effects and of course the intriguing stories. Best of all, the cases are almost always solved using the DNA profile database.

Can crime investigation be as effective in Malaysia? Here, many people have criticized the proposal to create a national DNA database. Some say that it would be an invasion of privacy or people could be framed easily. But what about a DNA database of criminals, ex-convicts and foreign workers? It has been proposed before but it hasn’t materialized. In these times of increasing crime rates, I think that this database is crucial. With due respect, we know as a fact that a majority of released convicts will turn back to their old ways and many foreigners have known to cause problems. As a precaution for national security, we need to be able to identify each and every one of them. It would be devastating if criminals get acquitted for lack of evidence. It has happened before and many cases may go unsolved just because we can’t match the DNA sample to anyone.

Come to think of it, what is wrong with having a DNA database of everyone? Not only can crime be almost totally prevented but it will help with identification of unknown dead victims of crimes or accidents. We can also confirm our identity when other authorities like the immigrations of another country doubt the authenticity of identification documents. Issues on ethics will rise, but to date, the pros of this project definitely outweigh the cons by a huge margin.

Let us make use of the RM490 million wisely. Why not use some of it to upgrade our national security system? It is time that our government, lawmakers and police force look into this issue urgently. I call upon the people of Malaysia to support the implementation of this DNA profile database project. With proper planning and management, this will be a very effective way to curb crime.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Forgive, try to forget, and forget

We always ask for forgiveness from God every time we do something wrong and conscience kicks in. But how often do we forgive others? We face plenty of transgressions done against us ranging from petty issues to serious crimes. Anger keeps us from forgiving. Do we really want the anger last till eternity? A saying goes: “Don’t let your anger continue past sundown.” The act of forgiving doesn’t mean that you must forget the deed on the spot. The act of forgiveness is releasing all anger related to that issue and holding no grudge toward it.

Humans remember bad things vividly but forget the good ones almost immediately. We must always try to overcome this trait. First, we must let go of all petty issues. Why clog up our minds with useless information? Then, we must run through our minds and make a list on whom we have lost contact because of misunderstandings. It is not a time to judge but to make amendments. Be humble and take the first step in apologizing and readily accept others’ apologies too. You may not forget the incident because how our brains work physiologically but we can control our minds to treat matters differently. I admit that I do not understand how it feels like to lose a loved one accidentally or deliberately. But in my opinion as a word of comfort, which is a cliché, it’s no use harboring revenge and anger because it will not change anything. Let God be the avenger as we have no authority to take the law into our own hands.

We have to admit that some major fights that we had will be forgotten over time. We may look back and even laugh about them. But why take such a long time to realize the absurdity in such issues? Look at children. A few minutes after a fight or argument, they would be playing together happily again. The faster we forget conflicts, the happier our lives will be. Grudging is one of the causes for shortening life-span. The world would be a happier place if every one of us changes our mentality. If only that could happen right now.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Compare with what?

Ever wondered why you see rural children and their parents and entire families beaming away in photos or videos? They are happy with what they have. The key to that type of happiness is the absence of comparison.

People in the city are totally of the opposite. We look at others in envy of what they have; good looks, big cars, big houses and many more. Why do we stress ourselves so much? It is not wrong to set goals to achieve and it is definitely good to want to improve on one-self. However, it is detrimental to compare with another person and get envious. You’ll start setting unreasonable goals and push yourself to the limit just to get where you want.

Don’t join the crazy rat race for the sake of success. Why not take some time to reflect on what you have? Success has no meaning if you don’t enjoy it. You may all the cars and houses that money can buy, but is your health good? Is your relationship with your family strong? Students like to rush to compare exam marks after getting their results. Some teenagers like to compare their looks with actors and actresses. Some couples compare marriages. Some people even like to compare who has the more expensive cell phone! As the list goes on, it just gets more ridiculous.

Comparison is the root of stress. Not a single person is destined to have everything. In the simple towns and villages, their wealth is pretty much well distributed and therefore they are not compelled to compare with each other. Take that scenario, assimilate and adapt it into our urban lives. It’s alright to be jealous, but never envy.