Some pics from Dublin and Amsterdam =)

Tesco at Merrion Square

In Dublin city centre but forgot the name of this building.

A scene in Dublin

Another scene in Dublin

Schipol Airpot

A nice firehose in Schipol

Going to Gate 26 of Schipol to board Aer Lingus to Ireland.
Going to post pics of UCD and my apartment soon.
Very nice :)
Maybe we exchange links? - my blog.
If so then write me on mail, or speak in comments.
Super pics! :)
Nice nice...why don't I see you online??
i might come online in the afternoon local time. sadly, my residence doesn't have a feed! i have to go somewhere else, that's why I'm not online frequently. Moreover, MSN and Skype seems blocked for me.
Nice pics homie......
At least u've got a nice view haha. I'm stuck with traffic from the main rd! lolz.
I cant use current versions of MSN either but i seem to b able to use d basic one.....makes u wonder eh?As for skpe, lol the other party cant seem to hear me after some time lolz. But take wat u can eh?
hehe, yea i'm grateful for a good view. but u don't see the rubbish dump further right, out of the pic hahahahhahaa.. It was a joy for everyone when we succesfully used skype to video call :D
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