Thursday, November 02, 2006

Finally below 0°C!

Frost Bites
At last, the first signs of the cold of autumn and winter: frost!! Woke up and saw the grass covered with a film of white. Instictively looked up for snow but slapped myself on the's not even winter yet! Sigh... Last night, Met services said it reached -4°C. Is it nice to have the winters? Actually not! The water is cold, the bed is cold, slippers are cold, the window is cold, the cellphone is cold, and even the clothes I'm wearing are cold at places. And the bulkiness of layers of clothing that we need to wear in winter. Maybe I'm too tropical.

Ah, now to clear the ice building up in the fridge...


Anonymous said...

hehe. it sure is freezing, jien han ;) hopefully we'll eventually get used to it. hehe. guess we're both too tropical!

chaizhen said...

huh, now u'r complaining tat it's cold!!! imagine wat i'm feeling...

Jien said...


Atropos said...

Wow. Add Melbourne's wind and you can't even walk outside. :D