Monday, November 27, 2006

Time's up!!

Ah, is down. Why? Hehe...I haven't renewed my rental, but don't fret! It'll be up and running soon. Ah, the long break between this post and the last is because of a terrible writer's block. Ah, maybe it's the exams, maybe it's the studying. Ah, still having writer's block. Hang on, when I clear my brain of anatomy, physiology, embryology, biochemistry and anthropology, I should have things to scribble. Meanwhile, let me get back into my den and assimilate the books into my head..


Sam Leong said...

Anthropology??.. HAHAHA!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi J.Han ,
It is good that u still remember what r your priorities.maintain the right direction full steam ahead

ayjk said...

Haih..just burn the books and drink them in tea. haha