Sunday, July 24, 2005


What's all this hype about APs? Ayah Pin out of the picture please.. What's all this brouhaha about NEP? What's this second bombing in London? What's all this bombing in Cairo of all places?

First of all, I'm sunburnt. This is the effect of standing in the blazing sun for 4+ hours yelling,"1 dollar 2 tries!!". If you're asking, the guys of U6S3 were manning a wire loop game at the school's carnival. I and another were desperately advertising to increase revenue (we managed RM140, not bad!). I'm red and itching all over..darned.. "1 dollar 2 tries!!!". Maybe we'll make it as the next apprentices..

20,000+ APs for a single fella? Hmmm... I don't know much about this business but isn't it alright since importing 20,000 cars seem reasonable for the industry? But if we're looking at 100,000+, that's a little too much. We might as well have the entire factory come here and churn out the 100,000 cars and forget Proton. Tun was right in enquiring about this. Not to say that I'm against importing cars but we have to look at the benefits and the discrepancies that occur during the proccess. By the way, aren't we supposed to reduce pollution of the air? Hmm... the Department Of Environment should at least have something to say there!

I'll be darned. Why are we suddenly talking about bringing back the NEP? Have we not accomplished the goals? We should be holding hands and raise the economic level to a new high together, not compete with one another. And to you, chinese press, like the PM said, don't conclude on anything yet until everyone has stated his case. Don't do anything dumb.

Please, where is the love? A second bombing in London just proves that this is the work out bored, dumb people. They found that bombs create the loudest noise and they help to make their presence felt at the cost of innocent lives. Bombing in Cairo? Wait, Egypt hasn't disturbed anyone yet, I believe. Why bomb there? You bombers have just ruined my holiday plans to go there. Idiots. Why don't these bombers do the world some good by pressing for the distruction of nuclear weapons?

Ah, some relief. The Ringgit should appreciate to about RM3.20 to $1 US. It better be true!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Breaking News, Ringgit Unpegged!

Ringgit finally unpegged!! Good or bad?

The exchange rate for RM to USD may go down, rendering the USD cheaper. Goods from US will be cheaper and I can finally get those books I'd longed for. Oil will be cheaper if we're talking about buying in the USD.

However, other countries may jack up to avoid the loss. China also unpegged and this may cause China's goods to be more expensive. We may actually lose out because most of the things are made in China, like Nike. Bank Negara has also said that the exchange rate may not deviate much from the time of being pegged. It will be managed against a basket of currencies. So, we'll just have to wait for 24 hours to see how the Forex will be.

The question is : why can't we let our RM be free of the control of agreements between trade partners? That way, we could generate a more realistic trade setting and shake off a bulk of currency occupation by the Northern countries. It may seem old fashion but it is the long-sought after goal of this country. On the other hand, it may seem sensible to give in to certain demands as our economy is just on the verge of being mature.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Money and intelligence = ?

Pooh! Band 5 for MUET? Impossible I can't comprehend comprehension passages...c'est non-sens...j'dore le francais plus...

Ok, let's not talk about that. This is an interesting sight I saw today. The entire two-lane road from the SPRINT toll near Section 17 was jammed. "Why?", you ask. As I approach the bridge over the monsoon drain, I saw the yellow arm of a crane nest to a lamp post. I squinted to look at the nest at the top of the arm. There were 2 men moving around at in the basket. I thought some huge truck took out the lamp post and they were putting up a new one while clearing the debris. As I approached the site, I frowned. The men were holding some poles and waving them around. Guess what they were doing. Yes, they were painting!! Right in the middle of the road during a lunch rush hour! Where on earth are their intelligence? Some people must have given them enough money to encourage them to do the work a little too enthusiastically. Imagine if their painting job continues into the rush hours of the evening. The entire Damasara road will look like a stationary glowing snake from the air. Where is their common sense to do all maintainance after dark? Money is used to paint lamp posts when their metal bodies are very unlikely to rust. How about starting to think about filling up pot-holes? They post a greater danger to motorists rather than a not so attractive lamp post. Funny...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Quite a bloody week...

First of all, let me express my deepest condolences to the families of the London blasts victims. It was a very cowardly act by those responsible.

It was a bloody(adj) week. First, my rat bled to death on Friday. I was to try to dissect out the jugular vein but as I was clearing the muscles, I poked a vessel. making things worse, I extracted the heart with the trachea and lungs still attached, and suddenly I had an almost real open heart surgery. I had blood on my hands and I could hear the ECGs going red. The funny thing is, I was laughing. Sorry rat, but the learning proccess was kind of amusing. =)

Again, let me say that the London blasts were cowardly. Why would people blow the innocent apart? If you hate the government, blow up the government. Even bombing military sites are more proper as they are armed and have a chance to defend. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT TO INVOKE ANY ANTI-GOVERNMENT FEELINGS AND NOT TO SUGGEST ANY FORM OF VIOLENCE. IT IS AN EXPRESSION OUT OF ANGER AND DISGUST TOWARD THE BOMBINGS. Killing passers-by is murder. If the terrorists claim to wage a religious war, they are not true to their own religion. What religion tells us to kill others? They must be believing in the d*vil himself. Religious terrorists?? BAH!!!

Go away terrorists. You cannot make a difference. Many have come to their senses. Look at the IRA. They have the guts to lay down their arms and talk things through. Look at India and Pakistan. India has changed their admin and now things look better. They are not terrorists. They are not your allies. You childish bombers have no sense to know that you have just waged war against yourself. You cannot blame any form of retalition ammounting to war once the world has identified you. Thank you for uniting us. We will get you, no doubt. Where could you go? The moon?

Sigh...What a week...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Vandals deserve mutilation

I feel for victims of vandals in Malaysia and the rest of the world. I can hardly contain my anger and hatred towards these bunch of universal rubbish after some idiotic punk took out one of my dad's wing mirror.

These useless group of people (unfortunately they are classified as people) deserve to be tied up and forced to see their victims start to take out on their own property. They have no sense of the value of money. Can you imagine that one mirror costs a couple of hundred Ringgit? I would like to cut them little by little on their bodies slowly and painfully while lecturing them on their wrong-doings. My case happened at an open-air car park in a nearby mall. I am personally thankful that the management took some effort to erect watch towers with guards in the car park. Sigh... what meant to be a fun Sunday outing turned into a angry and expensive one.

(Simulated situation)
I want to work with the guards. Sit high up in the watch tower with a 50 calibre. Spot a dark figure taking out a screwdriver/crowbar/rock. Find the range with a laser range finder. Take aim through tritium-lit sights. Calculate angles, wind and gravity compensation. Fire. See the heavy bullet rip through his sternum. See his eyes and mouth open wide in silent shock. Look up from the rifle and shake my head at the fall of a vandal who had no time to respond, be arrested and repent. No remorse from me as I was doing my job to protect property and harmony.

If only there was such a legal law enforcement unit.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Mortuareally Morbid...

Another rat today! This time, it was the ol' rat we drowned in formalin the last time. When we lifted it out of the solution, the fella stank in a way no words can describe. Skin was yellow due to formalin, the muscles were white like steamed chicken meat but very much tougher, and the skin's texture puts Michelin rubbers to shame. Imagine having to cut out deader than dead tissue out of a very wet mummified rodent. Gaaa!
My visit to the dissecting room in the Med Fac in UM was very much better. At least the smell was more decent. The only thing that creeped me was there were huge freezers labelled "liver", "kidney".... God knows what other spare parts they kept... one can only imagine what horrific mutilation went on in there... To enhance the effect, the room was built in the early days of UM, so it's gloomy, faded yellow walls, discoloured small blue square tiles, and had wooden frames for doors. Shivers..