Sunday, July 10, 2005

Quite a bloody week...

First of all, let me express my deepest condolences to the families of the London blasts victims. It was a very cowardly act by those responsible.

It was a bloody(adj) week. First, my rat bled to death on Friday. I was to try to dissect out the jugular vein but as I was clearing the muscles, I poked a vessel. making things worse, I extracted the heart with the trachea and lungs still attached, and suddenly I had an almost real open heart surgery. I had blood on my hands and I could hear the ECGs going red. The funny thing is, I was laughing. Sorry rat, but the learning proccess was kind of amusing. =)

Again, let me say that the London blasts were cowardly. Why would people blow the innocent apart? If you hate the government, blow up the government. Even bombing military sites are more proper as they are armed and have a chance to defend. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT TO INVOKE ANY ANTI-GOVERNMENT FEELINGS AND NOT TO SUGGEST ANY FORM OF VIOLENCE. IT IS AN EXPRESSION OUT OF ANGER AND DISGUST TOWARD THE BOMBINGS. Killing passers-by is murder. If the terrorists claim to wage a religious war, they are not true to their own religion. What religion tells us to kill others? They must be believing in the d*vil himself. Religious terrorists?? BAH!!!

Go away terrorists. You cannot make a difference. Many have come to their senses. Look at the IRA. They have the guts to lay down their arms and talk things through. Look at India and Pakistan. India has changed their admin and now things look better. They are not terrorists. They are not your allies. You childish bombers have no sense to know that you have just waged war against yourself. You cannot blame any form of retalition ammounting to war once the world has identified you. Thank you for uniting us. We will get you, no doubt. Where could you go? The moon?

Sigh...What a week...


ayjk said...

Hmm...I sense much anger.

Yeah I feel terrible about it too. (both London and the rat)

Jien said...

the terrorists kill we must...great danger, sadness, i sense. misleading the force they are..