How do you make a hearty breakfast/dinner dish? Let me show you how. =) My very own experiment.
Ingredients :
4 potatoes, spring onion, oregano (dried), Tabasco sauce, extra virgin olive oil, lemon, pepper.
Steps:1. Peel the potatoes. Then, cut them into smaller pieces.

2. Boil the potatoes in salt water until you can drive your knife through them easily.

3. Put the potatoes into a bowl and mash them completely.

4. Cut a lemon and squeeze the juice into the potatoes to your taste.

5. Add chopped spring onion, Tabasco sauce and olive oil to the potatoes. To your taste.

6. Mix thoroughly.

7. Spread the mashed potatoes in a baking tray, or in my case, a metal plate.

8. Bake in the preheated oven until the potatoes show a golden colour. (I used 250°C)

9. Serve! With toast, egg, etc... can also add butter if you want.
Ok, the colour of the dish in the picture may not look smooth, but it tastes good! How's that for a beginner's first time full fledged cooking? Feedback is most welcomed. Bon appetit!