At last, the days of acrid smell is over and it had better stay that way. It rained! And from 1 Utama, you can finally see way out until the Telekom building in the far distance. It really felt nice when small drops of sky juice hit my face. Somehow the winds changed and now the smoke is headed up north. Sorry, northern states. It actually hurts when the papers reported that some farmers are still burning padi stalks up north. Some kind of education and extra funding should be given to help them change their ways.

Here's another view that's blessedly clear of haze.
Say Who?

Talking about winds of change. Not only did the winds actually change direction, the stories in the news did too! It is an article from The Star today (17 August 2005) which says that Malaysian planters in Indonesia did not start any fires. How did Indonesia come to a conclusion that they did the last time? This openly suggests that Indonesia is playing the convenient blame game. When we complain about their actions, they simply say, "It's your own fault! Don't blame us..". Ah, the fibbers. What a big show of the so-called ASEAN spirit. What great neighbourliness. Nonsensical stories made up by their press is the thanks we get for lending a hand to put out their own fires.
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