Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Who Moved The Mountain?!
Try to look in the distance. Where is the mountain and the condominium? The photo was taken from the same location as yesterday's. Today's condition is the worst ever since the smoke hit us. Visibilty's down to a low of approximately 700m. In certain parts of Subang, you can't see things clearly beyond 500m. The air smells as if you're the one burning away. Are we being smoked out of our country? The Indonesians have admitted that a large portion of the haze came from Sumatra due to open burning. We hope that the authourities there could put a stop to the irresponsible act. We too have the problem with peat fire. Good luck and many thanks to the firemen out there doing their best. We have reportedly managed to douse 70% of active blazes in the hot spots. The picture on the left shows how bad visibilty is. There is supposed to be a mountain and a condominiumin the distance which are about 1km away. Even the tree slightly in the distance which is easily 100m away appears grey. There is one thing I saw which ticked me off. As I walked along some shops in front of a college, many people were puffing away. They do not seemed disturbed by the present haze and now they are working to thicken the smoke. Somehow, I don't see them thinking about the health of others. We should not be so lenient about human rights. We non-smokers also have our rights to obtain clean air if not less dangerous air. The police should let non-smokers snuff out any cigarettes at our discretion.

"The Star" published an article (page 4, main section) entitled "Open burning in Klang Valley banned" today (9th August 2005). What does that mean? Does the Department Of Environment mean that they had been endorsing some open burning before? They had better explain it soon before an inquiry is launched.

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