Sunday, July 01, 2007


oo oo a a aak..

These creatures have an amazing likeness to humans. They pick up cups and eat out of them, just like we eat popcorn out of the boxes. They collect cups and drink out of them, just like we drink teh tarik. One of them sees a person dropping bread, he calls and the whole pack swarms the area, just like we swarm the buffet table. How different are we? Hmm.. let's see..less fur, a missing tail, bipedalism, and we rarely climb trees daily. Wait, is that all..?!?!?!

I'd rather be a plant. Self-sufficient and no worries about transport. We just stay rooted to your ground and live life. Some will appreciate your looks, but will this cause vanity to take over? We will attract many organisms which help sustain our family line. See how smart plants are? We have others do our difficult work unquestioningly.

So, what are you? Hmm...


Anonymous said...

hmm.. can I be the wind?
I can fly to every where..
I can see every single thing..
I can keep you cool down when u feel hot..
I can generate the electricity for you to use..
but if I get angry, I can destroy u, ur house, ur poverty..

Anonymous said...

Be a plant?
Yea, it is good, u don’t have nerve, so you won’t feel pain when you are hurt..
You won’t feel hungry when your stomach is empty..
You don’t have brain, so you won’t have to think all the troubles..
You only need sun, water, land and carbon dioxide..
You provide oxygen for us.. our main need to survive!
You give us food.. so that we won’t feel hungry..
You are the producer for the food chain..
If you are a tree, your life is long..
but some time you may get sick too..
because of the polluted air caused by us, because of the worms that eat you..
but you are strong..
If you die, we die also..

Jien said...

wow... almost poetic lol.. =)

Anonymous said...

Almost poetic lol?
Does it sound good or bad?
I didn’t mean to be poetic in any way.
Just want to write out whatever I think.

Jien said...

Not bad at all =)

Anonymous said...

Huh, not bad luckily..
Shame on me..

Jien said...

har? it means good la

Anonymous said...

So u want to be a plant instead of human beings?
Plants and animals are living things.
I prefer to be non- living things than living things.

Jien said...

Haha.. I like life.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you like life.
So how is your life?
Since you like life, your life must be very meaningful!
Life is just like the shares in the market, very fluctuate…
Sometimes, it is happy..
Sometimes, it is sad..
However, the happy only last for a short while, while the sad can last forever if cannot overcome with it..