I followed a medical mission team today to a village, Sinai Baru, in Raub, Pahang. At 800m above sea-level, it was a refreshing environment. However, the way up the mountain was a real off-road terrain and a first true experience for me (I think) =) Every turn and corner was jolting and skids and getting thrown like a rag doll around the cabin of the 4WD was the norm for almost 45 minutes. We were greeted by the sight of wooden and bamboo structures when we entered the village. We then set up the clinic in their community hall, which is also just another house-like structure but more opened. 3 doctors screened the people, a pharmacist dispensed and the rest help out around or prepared lunch. I took the body weights for some people, and managed to successfully read the blood pressure for 2! Haha.. Communication was a challenge due to the lack of vocabulary on both sides. My BM deteriorated quite badly and I had to translate everything in my mind before saying something. It was a good event to try to practice communication with patients. But I spent more time observing than actually talking. Next time, I'd have to talk more to practice =) The usual ailments were presented; cough, fever, hypertension, phlegm and undernourishment. For a lunch snack, we had hotdogs and cincau.
After visiting the village, we headed back to the small village at the foot of the hill. There, we had kon lo meen loh kalee chap with wild boar meat at only RM2.30 for a size that is considered big in KL! MMMMMMMmmmmmm.... =) After that, we went to the halfway house where most of the children of Sinai Baru live. We opened the clinic again to screen the children. At this house, they rear rabbits for meat! Not bad, rabbit meat has one of the lowest fat content and the rabbits breed extremely fast. They won't run out of meat, I think.
All in all, a priceless day. Anymore of these? I'm coming!
Small talk.
A view of the village.
Another view.
Making hotdogs for snack.
Another view.
Tok Batin.
Child behind a pillar.
Coffee shop in Kampung Sang Lee.
The coffee shop which sells noodles with wild boar meat .
The curry noodles with wild boar meat! mmmm...
2 orang asli girls. Back at the home to screen the children.
2 orang asli boys.
Dressing a wound.
Lining up to get medicine.
Who organised it?
Aunt's church: PJ Evangelical Free Church.
Here in M'sia?
Shows you that our politicians are really semi-valued
Politicians? Hmmm.. It may be more on the demographics and lifestyle..
It was a good job! What a nice experience you had it!
It does show that how bad is our country in maintaining citizens health, but on the other hand, it shows that our community is still very ‘warm’ in taking care of other people!
Yea, we need more help in this area, especially finances and manpower. Big sponsors, where art thou?
If the will is there, let all of us go and contribute one day as part of our job....
Ok, i agree with you sam..
But not contribute one day, maybe the rest of my life, until there is a permenant clinic to taking care of their health!
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