Monday, July 09, 2007

By Grace


I'm still shaking from the rush of adrenaline. I passed my first year of medic school! Only by His grace, did I manage to. It was a bare pass and was dangerously close to sending me to the autumn repeat examinations. Thank you, God! I promise to be more diligent and hardworking. Never again will I subject my exams to luck. Second year will be a year of change. Wait and see. Wait and see.


Anonymous said...

Hi, J.Han
Shall i say congratulation to you?
Anyway, congratulation! U passed..=)
And work smart for the coming year ok?
Not only need to work hard, but smart too..

Jien said...

haha.. for now, passing is relieving. but yea, next year have to really buck up.

Sam Leong said...

Let's look forward to the new term!!

Anonymous said...

I heard you. And I hold you to your word.

Do what you do best - make music, and fill thy soul with joy

Jien said...


ayjk said...

Well done...enjoy home! :p

Jien said...

haha tq